You can reach our customer service Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 17.00 for questions, complaints and objections by phone: +43 55 232 2960 and by email [email protected]. You can also use the contact form on our website for inquiries.
Responsible for the content
Company: La Natura Lifestyle BIO GmbH
Registered office : Rennweg 18
AT 6020 Innsbruck
Contact details : Phone/Customer service +43 55 232 2960
E-Mail: [email protected]
VAT ID No.: ATU66428911
Register number: FN 361742 z
Register court: Innsbruck
Managing director: Ewald Struggl
Bank details
Account holder: La Natura Lifestyle BIO GmbH
Name of the bank: Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg AG
IBAN: AT94 1640 0001 4015 5934
Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform. This platform can be reached via the link
Organic inspection body code AT-BIO-402